For the past 35 years, thousands of patients have relied on Dr. Johns’ “magical” mouth rinse formulated to help with mouth pain and discomfort. Today Dr. Johns is making his “magical” mouth rinse available to the general public by offering The Doctor’s Choice Medical Mouth Rinse™ on this website.
The Doctor’s Choice Medical Mouth Rinse™ is formulated for patients 18-years and over who are suffering from pain and discomfort caused by an array of dental and oral problems.
When used as directed, The Doctor’s Choice Medical Mouth Rinse™ provides therapeutic relief from most forms of pain and discomfort including post-surgical pain, canker sores, mouth soreness, trauma of the lip and much more.
Not Available in Stores
The Doctors Choice Medical Mouth Rinse™ is not available in stores. This unique formation is currently only available through this website.
Benefits & Applications
- Relieves post-surgery pain & discomfort
- Reduces oral bleeding
- Used to treat entire mouth
(or for targeted issues within the mouth) - 3 Strengths to match your needs
- Slows the process of tooth decay
- Improves gingivitis
- Therapeutic mouth rinse
- Treats canker sores